Making Space for Good Habits
Have you ever looked back at your schedule from the previous week and thought, "How did I do so much but still feel like I'm falling short of all I wanted to accomplish?"
That's me. Every week. Feeling like I'm rushing through time to get it all done, but then where did the time go and what is my life adding up to?
I want to have quiet time reading the Word in the morning, I want to have quality time with my kids every day, I want my marriage to grow sweeter each day, I want to eat healthy and exercise. I want to grow my business and serve my audience with excellence. I want to volunteer at church and host community group... oh, and I want to get a load of laundry done each day!
And yet I also want to binge-watch a show while eating late-night snacks, you know?
Beyond wanting, I also have to work hard to be okay with not fitting neatly into one category.
I'm that business woman in a corporate office who enjoys a good pant suit and Starbucks coffee. I'm that mom with a messy bun who looks like she has too many children and yet somehow she loves being a mom. I'm that dreamer who wants to go sit in a coffee shop with a pen and paper or get outside in the garden with a camera and see the world through fresh eyes.
In the last couple weeks I downloaded a free new pink habits app for iPhone called "Habits Tracker". It's amazing to feel more intentional with trends and start feeling more on top of some of those pesky daily things! I'm starting to feel like I'm making progress on things that used to leave me defeated at the end of each day.
Do I still wish I had more hours in a day?
But I'll take what I can get!
And you know what? Somehow all the truly important things get done!